Exclusive Faculty-Led Seminars for College-Bound Students

Driving College Application Success

For more information email explorerseminars@amesite.com

Our Mission

Our MISSION is to create successful relationships between outstanding faculty mentors and high-performing students, through seminars that enable students to produce original work in cutting-edge disciplines. Amesite Explorer Seminars prepare students to be competitive in applications to selective colleges, and successful as citizens of those communities, by offering students guidance, challenge and advocacy.

Exceptional Academic Experience: Our Seminars

  • Align with cutting-edge faculty expertise.
  • Offer unique studies for each student.
  • Provide a challenging peer group environment essential for success.
  • Are conducted as 4-week programs limited to 20 students. Minimum time requirement of students: 10h / week.

Outstanding Mentorship and Advocacy: Our Faculty

  • Are recognized for their scholarship and mentorship.
  • Offer invaluable guidance, challenge, and advocacy for college success.
  • Are enthusiastic supporters of their protégés, offering recommendation letters designed to highlight students’ strengths and fit with selective colleges and universities, to enhance admissions prospects.

Faculty Expertise Across Domains

Engineering • Medicine • Business • Humanities • Law • Economics • Arts • Environment

What Our Experts Are Saying

"The Amesite Explorer Seminars are a way for students to differentiate themselves in college applications. With emphasis on test scores declining, and the competition for admissions higher than ever, an evaluation from an outstanding faculty member can make the difference in a successful application to a competitive college or university.”

– Theodore Spencer
30-year Head of Admissions, University of Michigan
Advisor, Harvard University Summer Programs
Advisor, Amesite Inc.

Application Process

  1. Applications are welcomed exclusively from qualifying, participating schools and consultants. Applicants must use an application code issued by the school.

  2. Application materials include statement of interest, official transcript or recommendation letter from teacher or counselor.

  3. Interviews are required for all applicants.

Amesite reserves up to 20% of available participation to students requiring financial assistance.

About Amesite

Amesite Inc. (NASDAQ: AMST), is an education technology company. We offer our proprietary learning platform and content services to deploy effective programs across disciplines that meet needs for all learners: K-12 through professional learning. Our systems are used throughout the U.S. and in 11 different countries around the globe. We leverage cutting-edge AI to offer an innovative out-of-the box, AI-powered learning ecosystem, complete with 24/7 learner support, up-to-date content and ready-to-go programs, that drive student engagement and build learning communities and relationships. For more information, visit https://amesite.com.

© Copyright Amesite 2024
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